Is Rhino Shield Worth the Premium Price?_by Ted Starmack

 Is Rhino Shield Worth the Investment?

The answer to this question depends. How long do you plan to stay in your home, and how concerned are you about the appearance of your home?

How long you plan to live in your house is important, because Rhino Shield is a long-term solution.  It comes with a 25-year warranty and is designed to last well beyond that. In short, you should never have to paint your house again. Today’s traditional paints last only 4 or 5 years. Though Rhino Shield costs more than traditional paints, in the long run it can result in a very big savings.

The second question: Do you intend to keep your home looking like a showplace?  If you want to keep your home looking sharp, your options are to repaint every 4 to 5 years or have Rhino Shield applied.  

Let’s assume you plan on living 20 more years in your home.

Say the price to coat your home with Rhino Shield is $16,000.

The price for traditional paint for your house is $8,800.

If you repaint every 5 years, over 20 years you will spend $44,000, not counting cost increases over that time.

If you get Rhino Shield now and you put your house on the market in 5 years, the transferable warranty will add value to your home.  With traditional paint, you will paint now and in 5 years to improve your curb appeal, having spent about the same amount of money.

There are many other benefits to getting Rhino Shield, and you can read about them in my other blog articles.

To be sure, Rhino Shield is not for everyone, but if you are staying in your home and want it to look nice, it is clearly worth it for you.


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