Can Rhino Shield be Applied to Brick or Stucco? _by Ted Stamack

I have heard that you should never paint bricks, what about that?

Spalling Bricks with Traditional Paint

Rhino Shield is safe for masonry applications like brick, concrete blocks, and stucco.  The problem with painting bricks in the past has been that the material used was not “breathable”.  It formed a vapor barrier that prevented moisture from escaping through it.  This would lead to a buildup of moisture right behind the surface.   Most of the time a house radiates heat but at around 10 or 12 degrees the cold can cause the moisture in the saturated bricks to freeze.  This can cause severe damage. 

Rhino Shield is not a vapor barrier. Although it is waterproof and can withstand over 100 mph wind-driven rain, it will allow moisture to evaporate through the membrane.  This will prevent damage, even at the chimney where the bricks are most vulnerable.

Will I lose the look of the texture of the brick?

It is true that Rhino Shield cures at a thickness of 8 to 10 coats of traditional paint, but none of the details or texture will be lost.  The design of the brick face and the mortar joints will still be clearly visible.

Does Rhino Shield provide any insulation?

R-Value Graph

Rhino Shield is Energy Star approved. It provides an R 6.89 insulation factor, which reflects heat inward in the winter and away in the summer.  You save on both heating and cooling.  Masonry houses tend to absorb heat during the day and hold that heat into the night. This causes your air conditioner to work harder trying to dissipate that heat. The ceramics in Rhino Shield reflect the heat away so that the surface temperature of the brick should not exceed 96 degrees.  

To put that R-value into some perspective, the foam insulation injected into the wall cavities advertises an R-value of 5.1.  Rhino Shield is 35% more effective.  It is endorsed by the Florida Green Building Coalition. 

Do I have to have my house re-pointed before Rhino Shield is applied?

As long as the bricks are structurally sound, repointing is not necessary.  In fact, in many cases, heaving below the foundation over the seasons can cause cracks to reappear.  In cases where cracks in the mortar are more than an eighth of an inch wide, or if the mortar joints are badly eroded, we will fill those gaps with an elastomeric resin.  This resin is made by PPG and has a 65 year warranty to remain pliable.

Do you repair cracks and damage to stucco?

Tudor Style Stucco Features

We can handle repairs to damaged stucco.  If the surface is cracked, we will fill the cracks with the same resin.  If there are larger damaged areas or materials pulled away from the wall, we would need to remove the delaminated material and apply a new coating.  Once the repairs have been done, it is ready to be coated with Rhino Shield.  This will protect your stucco from moisture and damage. 


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