Will Rhino Shield PA Coat Only the Trim on My House? _by Ted Starmack

Can I get just the trim on my house coated with Rhino Shield? At Rhino Shield PA we have done several “trim only” projects. The greatest benefit our clients enjoy is the lasting beauty of the details of their home that will look freshly painted for decades. Trim Only jobs are the least efficient and most labor intensive projects that we undertake. The reason for this is that we need to go up the ladder to mask and prepare, apply primer, apply the ceramic top coat, and remove the masking. That is 4 trips up the ladder and each time reaching only about 3 feet of area. According to our customers, the end result is well worth the investment. One comment that I frequently hear is that the gray streaks on their gutters are gone and don’t reappear on Rhino Shield. The cost of a trim-only job ranges widely, depending upon several factors. Among those are the surface square footage, the absorption rate of the material being treated, the condition of the surfa...